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Collection of domestic and foreign wood species

Here you can take a small look at a rare and expensive book from 1797:
Sammlung in- und ausländischer Holzarten, zur technologischen Kenntniß, Charakteristik und Waarenkunde aller Kunst-Farb-und Apothekerhölzer.
Volume one, which contains 144 species of wood.

Johann Adolph Hildt, Gotha, in the expedition of the trade journal and on commission of the F.S. Industrie Comptoir in Weimar (1797).
Johann Adolph Hildt, Gotha, in der Expedition der Handlungszeitung und in Kommission des F.S. Industrie Comptoirs zu Weimar (1797)
Such early xylotheques in book form were already very expensive at the time of their production, since the effort to produce these books was considerable and went far beyond that of a purely printed work. Today, such works are usually traded at mid 4-digit prices, rarely enough such a copy sometimes appears at auctions and fetches high prices there.
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