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Mt006 Meranti, Red Meranti 290 x 70 x 41 mm

Mt006 Meranti, Red Meranti  290 x 70 x 41 mm
Mt006 Meranti, Red Meranti  290 x 70 x 41 mm
Mt006 Meranti, Red Meranti  290 x 70 x 41 mm
Mt006 Meranti, Red Meranti  290 x 70 x 41 mm
Red Meranti (Shorea spp.) is native to Malaysia and the Philippines, it is also called Red Lauan and belongs to a very large family of woods of diverse origin and appearance. The trade names of this family of woods are used chaotically and the qualities of these woods range from very light and rather inferior to hard and dense varieties like this one.
The appearance of the wood is very homogeneous and little textured, the grain is quiet and streaky, has little natural luster. In Red Meranti, the heartwood is pale pinkish-brown to reddish-brown. Darker grades are generally harder, heavier and more resistant to weathering. Meranti is also euphemistically called Philippine mahogany, but it has nothing at all to do with the real mahogany of the genus Swietenia. Meranti wood is used in many ways: for veneer and plywood production, in interior finishing and furniture production, also for windows and doors.
These pieces come from a staircase of a house of the 80s.



  • Length: 290 mm
  • Width: 70 mm
  • Height: 41 mm
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23,60 € VAT 19% excl. Shipping costs
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